Jessica and Justin

My photo
Van, TX, United States
I am a farmer and a doula. My husband and I are recently planted into the soil of East Texas. Together we seek, we learn, we dance, we sing, and we grow vegetables, and I attend births. This blog is the ongoing story of our farming and birthing journey.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

New place on this earth

It's been a week now that Justin and I have been at Maple Hill Farm up on Lake Shehawken near Starrucca, PA.  It's cold and snowy, creeping up to the high 40s some days but usually in the 30s.  that means spring!! 
No photos for now friends, (I can't find my camera amidst the boxes) I just wanted to post SOMETHING so you knew we were here and that the blog was up and running for your reading pleasure.  I can't promise that I'll be any better at keeping up with the blog now in 2011 than I was in 2010. (I think I did 3 posts last year?)  But I have the motivation that this may be the easiest and funnest way to keep all my family and friends in the loop without making 17 phone calls every week :)

the 8 WHRI chickens made it just fine. they were shaken up after 3 days int he moving truck but they've adapted to the cooler climate very well!We're ordering seed flats and clear plastic to repair our high-tunnel. we've decided to convert half of the high tunnel into a greenhouse rather than spend the money to buy a pre-fab greenhouse. this will be some work but will be way bigger and cheaper than what we weer thinking of getting. We just need to hurry! these seeds need to get in the pots NOW!

Justin and I purchased potting mix yesterday from Ant Hill Community Farm in Honesdale, PA.  Google them, they're pretty awesome. They wanted us to come back to hang out before the growing season gets underway and life gets hectic. We met a friend of theirs who has a huge orchard offered to come over (it's an hour drive!) to see our apple trees and help us prune them.  It was actually kind of providiential, our visit to Ant Hill Farm.  Sky (the owner) and his girlfriend had just had a home birth 2 days before and their midwife was stopping in for a postpartum visit.  How lucky for me that in one visit we met some friendly hardworking young farmers, that they happen to be into my second passion (natural birth), and that I got to meet a local (New Jersey) midwife!  I wanted to cry I was so happy.

Well that's plenty for now.  We've got a crazy week ahead of us and I need to do some planning for it. 

I love and miss all of you and am so glad you wanted me to start the blog again.

we'll talk soon :)


  1. how wonderful to see how God is providing for you all up there. i love it when He brings about "coincidences" such as meeting the folks who have the potential to become friends. i know He loves you both so dearly and wants only His best for you.
    i saw crocuses today and my hyacinth are poking their heads out. yes, spring is coming.
    love you and keeping you both in my prayers. :)

  2. i'm absolutely ecstatic that you're blogging again, jess! i know you guys are so busy, but i'll probably check back here 6 times a day anyway because, well, that's how we mommas are :). it's really great that you've met some folk with common interests - that's just huge! praying wonderful things for you in this maple hill farm chapter of your lives. love love love you!
