Jessica and Justin

My photo
Van, TX, United States
I am a farmer and a doula. My husband and I are recently planted into the soil of East Texas. Together we seek, we learn, we dance, we sing, and we grow vegetables, and I attend births. This blog is the ongoing story of our farming and birthing journey.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hey Texas!

I just want you to know that when I woke up this morning I had to put on a long sleeved shirt and a sweater to go let the chickens out because it was FIFTY SEVEN DEGREES!! 

Granted, it was 5:05am.  But still.  It's August 3rd- Jealous?
I do pray for rain for you, texas.


  1. I'll just leave it at, "very happy for you, dear." :)We will hit 112 today. :-/

  2. So, so jealous!
    And yeah, rain would be most welcome!

  3. Look, don't be jealous just because mother Texas is trying to break some records here!
