Jessica and Justin

My photo
Van, TX, United States
I am a farmer and a doula. My husband and I are recently planted into the soil of East Texas. Together we seek, we learn, we dance, we sing, and we grow vegetables, and I attend births. This blog is the ongoing story of our farming and birthing journey.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New Home at Green Pasture Farms

Ok everyone! FINALLY I have a moment to take and post a couple of pictures.  THIS is our new home, new farm, new job.  Sadly, after about 5 pictures this evening my batteries died (of course, grr!) So I don't even have a shot of the garden or vegetables or chickens, but you've all seen vegetables and chickens before so who cares.  Moving on. 
We work for Greek Pasture Farms in Starrucca, PA.  Justin is garden crew leader and I am livestock lady once again!! But THIS time no dairy :)  I just coordinate chores and keep things alive and answer questions and offer additional help when it's needed to keep all the animals happy. So luckily- just like when I was at WHRI- I am not single handedly caring for all 500 chickens on my own (and we're getting 200 more tomorrow!) Mostly I am in the garden, and specifically in the tomatoes these days.  We work from 5:30am until sometime between 4 and 7pm, depending on the day. And we get one day off per week- so we are seriously working our asses off out here, but it is fantastic.  We are so happy.  Justin and I spent about 10 hours last Thursday harvesting BLUEBERRIES in intermittent rain showers and at one point I turned to him and said "Isn't this so awesome?  Isn't our life wonderful?!"

 Our entrance.  also, our pole barn across the street from the driveway

Our Barn!  SO big and beautiful

The old farm house! This is where we live.  Justin and I have a couple of rooms in the down stairs as a kind of apartment. we have our own bathroom and share the living and kitchen with other employees

 This is behind the farm house.  It is our store front, offices, and commercial kitchen

Then I had to show you the beauty of the nearby area.  We really live in a lovely spot.  This is a huge hemlock tree with the waterfall behind it

and this baby is about 40 feet tall

Ok so glad to be back in touch with everyone!! Please comment to let me know you're still reading our updates after that long lull and I'll try to get back on it more regularly- schedule allowing :)


  1. This looks so awesome, honey! Seriously - you guys are right where you're supposed to be. Yea!!! You have no idea how happy it makes a momma to know that her child loves her awesome life. Can't wait to come see you guys, and spend a little time near this waterfall and absolutely amazing tree. If it's not too cold :):). In the mean time, tell it how lucky it is to have water to drink. Love you dearly.

  2. Hey, Jessica, you sweet, sweet thing!! First, tell Justin I said "hi".
    Secondly, I just gotta say, that after reading this post (and the one before it that I'd never seen before), i gotta say, I thought 20 chickens was a big deal for a ranch (or farm), but, now, oh. my. gosh. You have a gazillion chickens! LOL I'm glad that they're free range. I'll take 10 broilers and about three dozen eggs.
    Do you deliver??

    You love your job!!! YEA!!! Life is too short not to love what you're doing. You need to eat better, though. I sounds like you're barely getting supper. You know what Joan does because she teaches AND coaches so she's never home...........? She cooks on Sunday for the week, freezes it and then puts it in one of those "suck the air out" bags and sucks the air out. Then her suppers during the week are ready to defrost and just need heating up. It really works for her. Just sayin'.

    All is wonderful here. So much going on Just did a wedding (170 invitations) and reception (decorated the 20+ tables) and I loved almost every minute of it. LOL
    Now it's time to make some visits.
    One is to your parents the first weekend of September. This will be Frank's first visit so it will be fun to see the farm through his eyes.

    Honey, if you're interested in following my blog, you can go to my blog and enter your email in the box on the right column. It's okay if you don't want to - I'll never know. LOL But, in case, the website is

    must pay bills. would love to come see you. Maybe someday. I'm interested in how long you'll be there. do you know?

    Love you, sweetie, Ja

  3. still reading! please keep posting!!
    love you so much mess. and i am so glad you're still there, picking blueberries.
    p.s. i am sooooooooooooo jealous. It is 101 degrees here today. : / love anyway.
