Jessica and Justin

My photo
Van, TX, United States
I am a farmer and a doula. My husband and I are recently planted into the soil of East Texas. Together we seek, we learn, we dance, we sing, and we grow vegetables, and I attend births. This blog is the ongoing story of our farming and birthing journey.

Monday, September 22, 2008


I am irresponsible.

Has anyone seen my camera?

The infatuation has worn off at our house. We've all known each other as friends, roommates, and co-laborers for nearly 2 years now and I figure it's probably about time that we start to see each others' flaws, quirks, and idiosyncrasies with eyes of grace and humility. Many things that bothered me months ago are now seen as invaluable additions to our household. If TJ didn't walk around shirtless, who could we poke fun at?

Speaking of, I think I might know who has my camera.

The truth of the matter is that I am the youngest, and in many regards the most immature participant in this community home. Sure I put in lots of work in the garden, cleaning, caring for the chickens and such, but I am a do-er. I have to 'do' to be fulfilled and I therefore lack much of the quiet beauty and grace that my three cohabitants have in various measures and means.

So the infatuation stage is coming to an end and I am starting to appreciate my sister and brothers in the ways in which they differ from me, but not only that--I am finding that committed community causes me to do so much contemplation of my own fatal flaws. Exactly what I had hoped for. In choosing to love and serve in the avenue of a prolonged convergence of several human lives--your character is brought to light. Yes, exactly what I hoped for.

Living in community is never the easier way of doing life- but it is better.

1 comment:

  1. hey. just a thought.
    #4s and #5s can work pretty well together. i planted a row of beans. also i like your braids. also we should hang out at the pub next week sometime.
