Jessica and Justin

My photo
Van, TX, United States
I am a farmer and a doula. My husband and I are recently planted into the soil of East Texas. Together we seek, we learn, we dance, we sing, and we grow vegetables, and I attend births. This blog is the ongoing story of our farming and birthing journey.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Back at WHRI

We are getting settled in to the community here but we are also a bit
overwhelmed at all there is to do as an intern. It's a very intense
program these days, so much responsibility is on us and we barely even
know what we're doing! I spread out some new straw for bedding on the
floor of the barn for the milk goats today and led them all back in
from the pasture when it started raining, they get whiney if they have
to stand out in the rain. I would too though if I were a goat, so i
don't get upset with them :) I'm learning about rotating the goats
around all our pastures so we can let the grasses grow and recover and
get more out of our fields. right now there's not a lot growing so we
have to give them some supplemental hay too. It's the very end of
breeding season and nearly all our does have been bred with one of our
two bucks, Rasputin and Huxley. Those boys are NASTY. all the
testosterone- they are so smelly and gross! but I am very excited
about this next step in the process: ultrasounds!! we're going to take
them to a neighbor goat guy and have all the does checked for kids.
I'm super excited about this!
So that's a little news from my internship learning. before today I
had been spending most of my time on the computer learning all the
paperwork stuff I have to do for the livestock- record keeping, sales
tallys, so much boring computer stuff. but finally i got outside


  1. I am excited for you! Live stock intern! Just like you wanted. Yes, the missing and the not seeing. Kris says there is pie next tuesday. This is possibly the incentive I needed. I am hoping and praying for a new job that will get me out of Starbucks and into health. I am just so damned tired all the time.

    What is Justin interning? I am excited for your baby goats! Goatlings! I will come out and see you some time. Maybe for lunch? Where are you living?

    Yes. Miss you.
