Jessica and Justin

My photo
Van, TX, United States
I am a farmer and a doula. My husband and I are recently planted into the soil of East Texas. Together we seek, we learn, we dance, we sing, and we grow vegetables, and I attend births. This blog is the ongoing story of our farming and birthing journey.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


We have a puppy, for those of you who were not aware.  She's our new little farm dog, Olga, daughter of Chloe, the goat dog at WHRI, sister to Zoe, Hueco, and Boone Shine. 
She really loves the snow.  it's a good thing cause we have a lot of it!  Oh! check it out, I'm SNOW SHOEING!

If there's anything Olga loves more than snow it's horse poop.  Awesome. 

Right now she sleeps in the house cause night time temps are still in the 20s pretty often.  She comes with us to the barn every morning to feed the chickens, horses and goats. She helps us muck the horse stall and break the ice on the waterers. Then she stays in the barn, hangin out with the chickens until around lunch time. Gradually she'll be spending nearly all her time there protecting everyone.

Yesterday we went to Honesdale to pick up the farm truck (!!!) from the shop,  and while we were there, since it's a 45 minute drive to get there, we went to the grocery store and bought Olga some beef livers and chicken gizzards and hearts, YUM!  I've got sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, some raw milk and beef stock and I'm gonna cook her up some tasty meals, package them in freezer bags, and just take one out every day to feed her.  We'll see how this goes and how high the pricetag is on this new dog food, but I hope we can stick with this!

Isn't she cute?


  1. Adorable! And it sounds like she has a delicious diet...

  2. Olga you are the most precious grandpup. I miss you!
