Jessica and Justin

My photo
Van, TX, United States
I am a farmer and a doula. My husband and I are recently planted into the soil of East Texas. Together we seek, we learn, we dance, we sing, and we grow vegetables, and I attend births. This blog is the ongoing story of our farming and birthing journey.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Planting Strawberries

Our computer broke 2 weeks ago and Apple fixed it and sent it back to us in perfect working condition...with the hard drive wiped clean. It was so frustrating but at least we have a working computer again.  So now I'm working on taking lots of pictures to make up for all the empty space on this machine.

The weather has been nuts. 40 degrees, Rainy, cloudy, then dry for 48 hours- long enough to nearly get some overdue outside work done, then an inch of rain last night.  Most of today has been full sun and over 82 degrees, now we're heading back down in the 50s with some storms headed our way. 

In the unexpected heat (Sorry Texas, I know 80's nothin' but it is hot for here!) we scorched our skin and busted our butts the past 2 days to get sod broken, one 100ft row tilled and prepped, holes dug, and 75 strawberry plants in the ground. We finished 50 plants at about 8:30 last night trying to beat the storm and the sunset.  We did beat the storm.    Then this afternoon we were surprised at how well the soil had drained throughout the day (cause you NEVER work soil when it's wet) and so we decided to plant the last 25 plants this afternoon. I really hope those are some delicious strawberries.

I ordered organic all-purpose, whole wheat, bread, and rye flours from King Arthur Flour today! That is like Christmas for me.   I'm trying to duplicate a couple of delicious breads Justin and I bought from a bakery in Boston. I'll let you know how it goes!

Until then, here's some pics from today's berry planting and our little family trying to beat the heat.

This is a baby Rhubarb plant.  Can't wait for pies!

She didn't like the water :(


  1. Olga's getting so big and beautiful!
    Also, booyah to Apple.

  2. Strawberries - is that the way they came to you? They don't look like they're in the ground in your pics. Since you're my mentor, I need to understand what I'm looking at! :) Sweet little pup; can't wait to play with her.

  3. I promise they are in the ground. They came as little tiny dormant stumps with tons of roots. we planted each one with the crown sticking out of the ground and they are already starting to produce leaves. I'll take a pic of that soon so that you can actually see the plants
