Jessica and Justin

My photo
Van, TX, United States
I am a farmer and a doula. My husband and I are recently planted into the soil of East Texas. Together we seek, we learn, we dance, we sing, and we grow vegetables, and I attend births. This blog is the ongoing story of our farming and birthing journey.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

bless'd be the tie that binds

I'm in Bossier City, LA tonight with Mom, Ty and Grady. He's 9 months now and so healthy you'd never know how is life began. I have a love for this kid that is unquestionable and beyond explanation. Every laugh, yawn, coo, or cry makes my heart wrench with a deep affection ( and I find myself clutching my hand over my heart like the silly dramatic woman I am). tie number 1.

I spent the weekend in Dallas for a birthday celebration. Steph turned 25. Geeze. In 15 years I'm going to laugh at my ridiculousness for thinking this, but man, we're getting old. So in defiance of our ever-so-slightly increasing age, we enjoyed ourselves like we were rebellious children. (oh, the "we" was Dave, Steph, TJ, Ellie and myself)
we found a "cheap" room at the Hyatt in Dallas and swam in to pool, ate Italian food, and came back to the room with our 3 bottles of wine. We rode the glass elevators up to the 28th floor half a dozen times. Almost as good as six-flags. Then we ran around the hotel looking in every unlocked door we could find. Our hotel didn't kick us out, but the staff did get angry with us for: 1. walking around the hotel with no shoes, 2. running up the down escalator, and 3. playing the piano too loudly. Eventually we found unlocked roof access. That was the best. So like a movie. Middle of the night, 5 silly best friends on the rooftop of a fancy hotel in a big city- and no cigarettes on any of us. That's almost criminal.
So instead we mooned the cty. tie number 2.

I know I've been writing the same post over and over: the joy of life in community and adventures therein, but my life is the best it's been, and I can't help talking about it. Sorry for the redundency.

On another note- wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles- my boyfriend is coming home sooner than expected to live this beautiful life with me. Sometime in the last 1/3 of Oct. he'll be home.



  1. 1. i am always encouraged by your joy and zest for life.
    2. "we" didn't moon dallas, only one person did that...
    3. i totally agree the rooftop experience was amazing and movie-like.
    4. post some pictures please! (or at least email them to me)

  2. Yay! For Justin coming early! Yes, come visit, lady.

  3. Clandestine roof access is one of the greatest things in the universe. And, no matter who mooned the city, it was the right choice, and nearly makes up for the lack of cigarettes.

    Congrats on Justin coming home sooner!!!

