Jessica and Justin

My photo
Van, TX, United States
I am a farmer and a doula. My husband and I are recently planted into the soil of East Texas. Together we seek, we learn, we dance, we sing, and we grow vegetables, and I attend births. This blog is the ongoing story of our farming and birthing journey.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pero en ti

I wish you could hear this song. It's the song of a husband watching his wife dying, of singing through impossibe circumstances because, as he said, if there was no more music, he knew he wouldn't make it through the difficulty of it all. It's a song of needing to hope against hope when facing of the harsh reality of death and the impermanence of our earthly bodies. After November 9 when his wife and mother of his children died, he and his family didn't sing for a long time. Luis and his children sang it for us two Sundays ago. He was gracious enough to share the lyrics with me.

Pero en tí
by Luis Mathias-Ryan

Ya se que somos débiles y frágiles
Como la flor de la mañana que es tan bella,
Como la nube que aparece en las alturas
Que en la tarde no está y desaparece.

Pero en tí somos como arboles plantados junto a ríos.
Pero en tí somos roca, somos fuego, somos lámpara encendida
Como un ave que vuela somos semilla que echa vaíces
En tí somos esperanza, en tí.

Translation (as far as I can tell):

Already we are weak and fragile like the flower, which in the morning was so beautiful, like the cloud that appears in the heights and in the afternoon disappears.

But in you we are like trees planted next to rivers. But in you we are rock, we are fire, we are a lighted lamp, like a bird that flies, like seed that puts out roots. In you we are hope, in you.


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