Jessica and Justin

My photo
Van, TX, United States
I am a farmer and a doula. My husband and I are recently planted into the soil of East Texas. Together we seek, we learn, we dance, we sing, and we grow vegetables, and I attend births. This blog is the ongoing story of our farming and birthing journey.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

various things of humor

Ok, as things get more outrageous and crazy in this country of states united, especially as our big election nears, my posts may become exceedingly politically focused. For those who don't give a flying frenchman, I apologize and please feel free to not read me any more.

As for the rest of you 2 who read this blog consistently. . .

TJ came home today with a copy of The New Yorker with a stellar parody of our gal Palin. Please, please, PLEASE read this article!

My roommates are currently laughing histerically on the other side of the dining room. two words: photo. booth. The mac application that stretches and squishes the image of your face in all sorts of crazy contortions. I dont find the photos that funny compared to their giddy giggling.

speaking of giddy, Justin will be here in THREE WEEKS. holy holy holy shit. this is seriously the holiest of shit.

I leave you with a photo of Eleanor and I posing as super heroes.

Leave a comment and try and guess what our super powers are. I'll give a present to the one who comes closest!!

peace friends.


  1. ellie is Wort-Remover-Woman. with a single touch of her power-filled finger she can touch and remove any wort no matter how big or how long you've had it.

    jessica is Super-Nostrilina who sends powerful cold wind through her nose and freezes anything in it's path.

  2. Hey, I've fallen behind in my blog reading, but just for the record, I am absolutely terrified of the prospect of Sarah Palin ever being in the White House. Or remotely close to it.
