Jessica and Justin

My photo
Van, TX, United States
I am a farmer and a doula. My husband and I are recently planted into the soil of East Texas. Together we seek, we learn, we dance, we sing, and we grow vegetables, and I attend births. This blog is the ongoing story of our farming and birthing journey.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

plans for the future

Are a bunch of crap... but I am actually going to count on as if it's reality that Justin and I will be getting married on May 30th. All these other things i will tell you about are wishful thinking, taking some faith and trust in the Divine and not worrying if they do or do not happen.

our plans:
a marriage on May 30th 2009 with flowers and music and dancing and sunshine

after this, in chronological order I hope to:
1.not get pregnant
2.lose 5-10 lbs
3.begin doula certification. seriously, I am really doing this one.
4.move to the farm with my husband as an intern Jan 2010
5.figure out a 2 year AG project/apprenticeship in a developing country within a Muslim community/people group
6.move back to texas a milk cow
8.begin midwifery school in 2013ish
9.have lots of babies

for all this I am excited.

Yesterday Justin turned 25. We were on the Easter retreat with Hope Fellowship so the only special thing he got was brownies. So tonight I made Justin a birthday dinner. I put in a lot of planning as it was my first attempt at a couple of these things, but all of it was a great success:

Bacon wrapped fillet mignon (cooked medium well. I was shooting for medium, but Ihadn't ever grilled steaks before at all, so we were happy.)
Fresh green beans
Chocolate creme brule
Kendall-Jackson Meritage wine

He was pleased, and I was proud. Papaw would have been too.

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