Jessica and Justin

My photo
Van, TX, United States
I am a farmer and a doula. My husband and I are recently planted into the soil of East Texas. Together we seek, we learn, we dance, we sing, and we grow vegetables, and I attend births. This blog is the ongoing story of our farming and birthing journey.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Right now sleeping in my bedroom, in my bed, are two precious little boys (Bela and Laith) and their precious momma (Amy). They came to visit and it has lifted me so much. This bunch is one that, if only they lived closer, I would learn from them (amy and zach) as spouses, as parents, as humble followers of Jesus. I'd strive to love as they love, to understand others as they do. And if only they lived closer, I'd have a running partner. Amy, Laith, Bela, and Zach, I really love you all.

Other than myself we are the only ones who have slept in this big house this week. All the true roommates have gone out to their new oasis (taking all the good coffee with them, bummer) and luckily I have Amy to keep this house company with me till she heads back to Brenham today.

I soon will be a spouse. I will have a husband. It's pretty overwhelming to me to think about this for too long. It's also crazy for me to think about this thing, marriage, in regards to it's prequel- pre-marital counseling. In this, the biggest decision and committment one can make, a couple is expected to learn and prepare for this life-long challenge in 6 weeks of chatting with a MALE pastor. Oh the ridulousness of this preparation! Where is the wife? where is the marriage from which to learn?? and how can you possibly prepare and learn all the tools you will need BEFORE you ever get started in this crazy thing?
Are pregnant mothers and fathers, after all the birth classes and preparations, supposed to go it all alone from the day the baby comes out all through that first hectic year until the kid is 18? Is it not expected of them to have help and communication, even weeks of overnight assistance, with other parents when they don't know what to do with this kid yet?

I think most necessary is communication with other couples, both husband AND wife, whose marriage you respect and appriciate. And I also believe, just as there is no way one would expect a new mom to be able to handle a child on her own from day one onward, that it is ridiculous for new couples to expect that this monumentous life-long task ahead of them should be handled without guidance and counsel all along the way.

there's my ranting. Hope to see you all at our wedding and I expect from all of you encouragement and love to the benefit of this new baby marriage. Now I have to go to work.


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