Jessica and Justin

My photo
Van, TX, United States
I am a farmer and a doula. My husband and I are recently planted into the soil of East Texas. Together we seek, we learn, we dance, we sing, and we grow vegetables, and I attend births. This blog is the ongoing story of our farming and birthing journey.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I've been married.
Yep. I'm on summer break, I'm working only one measly job till the end of august, and I got lots of projects to keep me busy.
Also, I have a husband who works over 40 hours a week while I only work about 3, so I'm the cook/cleaner/housekeeper for the summer. ONLY for the summer, we hope. It'd be easy to stay on a track of Jess doing most of the domestic work, but we have high aspirations for this marriage to have differently defined gender roles.

We really like being married. It isn't really that much different than before. It isn't hard yet. The most different things are that we wake up in the same bed now, we don't eat many meals with our previous 8 roommates so dinners can be strange, and when we hang out with our friends, we usually bring along the spouse cause an evening at the house with no more roommates and no spouse can be lonely.

So now every morning I kiss my husband goodbye before he rides his bike to work, then I start my work on one of many projects around here.

unpacking crap in our bedroom. We're a messy pair.

Sorting through and pricing boxes and boxes of garage sale items. For a while we couldn't both fit in this room, it was scrazy. both scary AND crazy.

I just painted these. Anyone want to help me figure out how to hang them and where to put them? Or anyone want to come by and buy our stuff Saturday? It's so cheap it might as well be free!

This is also our living room. See that leather chair with the straw hat hanging off it? That was Justin's wedding gift from me. it reclines all the way. Yep. it's the nap chair.

This is the brand new never been ridden XL Cannondale Comfort 4. retails for $450 and just for you I'd let it go for just $280. Any takers?

Our yard is the host of two Church Under the Bridge buses. Every Sunday they're used to pick up homeless folks and take them to church. They don't leave the keys in them. I've checked.
There's our very safe cinderblock firepit that we will use in about 6 months when it finally gets below 80 at night.

These are some doors we have in our house. They were never painted but look like they've been there a while so I'm gonna put the second coat on here in a bit.
This is actually where I am sitting right now. It's the only place we consistently pick up internet. I don't know who the benefactor is in this exchange but they give us internet, we give them a responsible quiet neighbor. (there aren't too many of those on this drug dealing block)
So usually about 3pm I grab a beer or make myself a margarita (which I have next to me) and continue all these projects. One of which has been to update this blog (check!).
Also, most of our coffee is drunk here. cigarettes are smoked here too.

The fantastic kitchen. I dont have enough counter space to roll out a pie crust or knead bread dough anywhere. It is kinda lame if you like to cook.
But there's one of my other projects: bread baking. I've been working at it for a month now and it's getting better. Now that we have working air conditioning it stays around 83 on that half of the house when I'm baking instead of the previous 105. No joke.

The other project, of which Susan will be proud, is hand turned ice cream. First batch: Blackberry Plum, so-so. Next batch, Cinnamon Vanilla Bean- Pretty dang good. Third time's a charm with fresh Blueberry ice cream. I'm tellin you I could sell this stuff, it is GOOD.

Next project which we will come to after this saturday's garage sale is breaking out the soap making equipment and experimenting with our organic grassfed calf's 52oz of kidney fat that I have stored in my frezer. MMmmm. His meat has been perfect in enchiladas and lasagna, now lets see if he can clean!



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